List of political prisoners and persons convicted in political criminal cases

Found: 20
Name and surname Status Date of birth Gender Date of detention Charges indicted Date of verdict Sentence Penalty Judge Prosecutor Prison
Antonava Natallia Prisoner 1960-06-12 Female
  • Art. 130 of the Criminal Code — Incitement to hatred
  • Art. 367 of the Criminal Code — Slander against the President of the Republic of Belarus
3 years restricted freedom under home confinement ("domashnyaya khimiya") Natallia Kozel Prison No. 1
230023, Hrodna, vulica Kirava 1
Davydulina Natallia Prisoner Female 2024-01-23
  • Art. 361-4 of the Criminal Code — Promoting extremist activities
Pre-trial detention center No. 3
246003, Homieĺ, vulica Knižnaja 1A
Dzemianchuk Alena Prisoner 0000-03-29 Female 2024-01-23
  • Art. 361-2 of the Criminal Code — Financing the activities of an extremist group
3 years imprisonment in a general-security penal colony Siarhei Bieraziuk Pre-trial detention center No. 7
224030, Brest, vulica Savieckich pamiežnikaŭ 37
Dzernakouskaya Alesia Prisoner Female 2024-06-03
  • Art. 361-4 of the Criminal Code — Promoting extremist activities
Vera Halaukova
Hatsura Maryna Former prisoner 1964-12-27 Female 2024-01-23
  • Art. 361-4 of the Criminal Code — Promoting extremist activities
5 years restricted freedom under home confinement ("domashnyaya khimiya") Viktoryia Paliashchuk released
Kharytonava-Kryzhevich Natallia Former prisoner
Recognized ex post facto
1990-12-13 Female
  • Art. 361-4 of the Criminal Code — Promoting extremist activities
5 years restricted freedom under home confinement ("domashnyaya khimiya") Siarhei Katser released
Kliazovich Iryna Prisoner 1966-05-05 Female 2024-01-23
  • Art. 361-4 of the Criminal Code — Promoting extremist activities
Siarhei Vasileuski Pre-trial detention center No. 8
222163, Žodzina, vulica Savieckaja 22A
Krautsova Yuliya Former prisoner 1976-07-31 Female 2024-01-23
  • Art. 361-4 of the Criminal Code — Promoting extremist activities
4 years restricted freedom under home confinement ("domashnyaya khimiya") Aliaksandr Rybakou released
Ladutska Natallia Prisoner 1964-04-29 Female 2024-01-23
  • Art. 361-4 of the Criminal Code — Promoting extremist activities
Pre-trial detention center No. 1
223016, Navadvorski selsavet, 143/4, v. Pashkovichy, Minsk rajon, Minsk voblast
Leskavets Nadzeya Prisoner 1978-12-31 Female 2024-01-23
  • Art. 361-4 of the Criminal Code — Promoting extremist activities
3 years imprisonment in a general-security penal colony Dzmitryi Karasinski Pre-trial detention center No. 7
224030, Brest, vulica Savieckich pamiežnikaŭ 37
Liapko Aksana Prisoner 1974-08-22 Female 2024-01-23
  • Art. 361-4 of the Criminal Code — Promoting extremist activities
Valeryi Ramanouski Prison No. 1
230023, Hrodna, vulica Kirava 1
Lotsmanava Volha Prisoner 1972-12-15 Female 2024-01-23
  • Art. 361-4 of the Criminal Code — Promoting extremist activities
Aliaksandr Rudenka Pre-trial detention center No. 8
222163, Žodzina, vulica Savieckaja 22A
Mendryk Katsiaryna Prisoner 1998-06-16 Female 2024-01-28
  • Art. 361-4 of the Criminal Code — Promoting extremist activities
Prison No. 1
230023, Hrodna, vulica Kirava 1
Plakhatniuk Ina Prisoner Female 2024-01-23
  • Art. 361-4 of the Criminal Code — Promoting extremist activities
Siarheyenka Alesia Prisoner 1983-09-21 Female 2024-01-25
  • Art. 361-4 of the Criminal Code — Promoting extremist activities
Iryna Lanchava Prison No. 4
212011, Mahilioŭ, vulica Krupskaj 99A
Siarheyeu Dzianis Former prisoner 1994-05-26 Male 2020-08-19
  • Art. 364 of the Criminal Code — Violence or threat of violence against an employee of the internal affairs bodies
3 years restricted freedom in an open penal facility ("khimiya") released
Stsepa Tatsiana Prisoner 1970-01-31 Female 2024-01-23
  • Art. 361 of the Criminal Code — Calls for actions aimed at causing harm to the national security of the Republic of Belarus
  • Art. 361-4 of the Criminal Code — Promoting extremist activities
Alena Shylko Pre-trial detention center No. 1
223016, Navadvorski selsavet, 143/4, v. Pashkovichy, Minsk rajon, Minsk voblast
Susha Kseniya Prisoner 1982-10-18 Female 2024-01-23
  • Art. 361 of the Criminal Code — Calls for actions aimed at causing harm to the national security of the Republic of Belarus
  • Art. 361-4 of the Criminal Code — Promoting extremist activities
3 years imprisonment in a general-security penal colony Pre-trial detention center No. 1
223016, Navadvorski selsavet, 143/4, v. Pashkovichy, Minsk rajon, Minsk voblast
Takarchuk Iryna Prisoner 1960-08-04 Female 2024-01-23
  • Art. 361-4 of the Criminal Code — Promoting extremist activities
3 years imprisonment in a general-security penal colony Tatsiana Falkouskaya Pre-trial detention center No. 1
223016, Navadvorski selsavet, 143/4, v. Pashkovichy, Minsk rajon, Minsk voblast
Totskaya Alena Prisoner 1962-08-20 Female 2024-01-23
  • Art. 361-4 of the Criminal Code — Promoting extremist activities
Viachaslau Tuleyka Pre-trial detention center No. 8
222163, Žodzina, vulica Savieckaja 22A
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