List of political prisoners and persons convicted in political criminal cases

Found: 95
Name and surname Status Date of birth Gender Date of detention Charges indicted Date of verdict Sentence Penalty Judge Prosecutor Prison
Apeikin Aliaksandr Male
  • Art. 361 of the Criminal Code — Calls for actions aimed at causing harm to the national security of the Republic of Belarus
12 years imprisonment in a medium-security penal colony Sviatlana Bandarenka Aliaksandr Karol
Arastovich Liudmila Male
  • Art. 342 of the Criminal Code — Organization and preparation of actions that grossly violate public order, or active participation in them
2 years imprisonment in a general-security penal colony Volha Malashanka
Astapenia Ryhor 1990-04-14 Male
  • Art. 361 of the Criminal Code — Calls for actions aimed at causing harm to the national security of the Republic of Belarus
  • Art. 357 of the Criminal Code — Conspiracy to seize power in an unconstitutional way
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10 years imprisonment in a general-security penal colony Uladzimir Areshka
Astapenka Uladzimir 1962-11-13 Male 5 years imprisonment in a medium-security penal colony
Astapovich Andrei 1993-04-07 Male
  • Art. 357 of the Criminal Code — Conspiracy to seize power in an unconstitutional way
  • Art. 361-1 of the Criminal Code — Creation of an extremist formation, or participation in it
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11 years imprisonment in a medium-security penal colony Dzina Kuchuk
Astrouski Anatol 1972-12-21 Male
  • Art. 342 of the Criminal Code — Organization and preparation of actions that grossly violate public order, or active participation in them
2 years imprisonment in a general-security penal colony Mikhail Makarevich
Azarau Aliaksandr 1977-02-04 Male
  • Part 3 of Art. 293 of the Criminal code — Training or other preparation of persons for participation in mass riots, or financing of this activity
  • Art. 361 of the Criminal Code — Calls for actions aimed at causing harm to the national security of the Republic of Belarus
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25 years imprisonment in a medium-security penal colony Dzina Kuchuk
Bahaukou Vadzim 1971-10-05 Male 10 years imprisonment in a medium-security penal colony Dzina Kuchuk Aliaksandr Karol
Bareika Liudmila 1962-03-12 Female
  • art. 188 of the Criminal Code — Defamation
2 years imprisonment in a general-security penal colony Andrei Tarasevich
Bikanau Filip 1992-04-12 Male
  • Art. 361 of the Criminal Code — Calls for actions aimed at causing harm to the national security of the Republic of Belarus
  • Art. 357 of the Criminal Code — Conspiracy to seize power in an unconstitutional way
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10 years imprisonment in a general-security penal colony Uladzimir Areshka
Bogdanovich Daniil 1997-02-17 Male
  • Art. 130 of the Criminal Code — Incitement to hatred
  • Art. 203-1 of the Criminal Code — Illegal actions with respect to information about private life and personal data
12 years imprisonment in a general-security penal colony Natallia Buhuk Natallia Sakalova
Chakhouski Aliaksandr 1981-04-17 Male
  • Art. 370 of the Criminal Code — Desecration of state symbols
  • Art. 369 of the Criminal Code — Insulting a government official
3 months arrest Sviatlana Kramianiouskaya
Chamiakin Ihar 1991-06-18 Male
  • Art. 364 of the Criminal Code — Violence or threat of violence against an employee of the internal affairs bodies
  • Art. 295 of the Criminal Code — Unlawful acts against firearms, ammunition and explosives
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20 years imprisonment in a general-security prison Siarhei Khrypach
Chulitskaya Tatsiana 1980-01-18 Male
  • Art. 361 of the Criminal Code — Calls for actions aimed at causing harm to the national security of the Republic of Belarus
  • Art. 357 of the Criminal Code — Conspiracy to seize power in an unconstitutional way
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10 years imprisonment in a general-security penal colony Uladzimir Areshka
Dabravolski Aliaksandr 1958-11-23 Male
  • Art. 361 of the Criminal Code — Calls for actions aimed at causing harm to the national security of the Republic of Belarus
  • Art. 191 of the Criminal Code — Obstruction of the exercise of electoral rights
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11 1/2 years imprisonment in a general-security penal colony Dzmitryi Lukashevich, Uladzimir Areshka Орешко Владимир Арэшка Уладзімір
Drakakhrust Yuryi 1960-07-20 Male
  • Art. 361 of the Criminal Code — Calls for actions aimed at causing harm to the national security of the Republic of Belarus
  • Art. 357 of the Criminal Code — Conspiracy to seize power in an unconstitutional way
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10 years imprisonment in a general-security penal colony Uladzimir Areshka
Dyleuski Siarhei 1989-09-01 Male
  • Art. 361 of the Criminal Code — Calls for actions aimed at causing harm to the national security of the Republic of Belarus
  • Art. 357 of the Criminal Code — Conspiracy to seize power in an unconstitutional way
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12 years imprisonment in a general-security penal colony Piotr Arlou Mikhail Kavaliou
Dzmitronak Vadzim Former prisoner
Recognized ex post facto
1977-06-30 Male
  • Art. 342 of the Criminal Code — Organization and preparation of actions that grossly violate public order, or active participation in them
  • Art. 357 of the Criminal Code — Conspiracy to seize power in an unconstitutional way
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3 years restricted freedom in an open penal facility ("khimiya") Tatsiana Akavitaya, Andrei Leshchanka Лещенко Андрей Лешчанка Андрэй Artsiom Tsviatkou, Ivan Protski released
Halinskaya Alina 1999-09-23 Female
  • Art. 130 of the Criminal Code — Incitement to hatred
2 years imprisonment in a general-security penal colony Siarhei Bahinski
Herasimenia Aliaksandra 1985-12-31 Female
  • Art. 361 of the Criminal Code — Calls for actions aimed at causing harm to the national security of the Republic of Belarus
12 years imprisonment in a general-security penal colony Sviatlana Bandarenka Aliaksandr Karol
Herasimenka Meryem Former prisoner 1994-01-23 Female 2022-08-04
  • Art. 342 of the Criminal Code — Organization and preparation of actions that grossly violate public order, or active participation in them
restricted freedom under home confinement ("domashnyaya khimiya") Viktoryia Shabunia released
Hutar Henadz 1965-10-28 Male
  • Art. 342 of the Criminal Code — Organization and preparation of actions that grossly violate public order, or active participation in them
2 years imprisonment in a general-security penal colony Mikhail Makarevich
Kapitanau Henadz 1980-10-02 Male
  • Art. 361 of the Criminal Code — Calls for actions aimed at causing harm to the national security of the Republic of Belarus
  • Art. 369 of the Criminal Code — Insulting a government official
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6 years imprisonment in a general-security penal colony Alena Ananich
Karach Volha 1979-01-05 Female
  • Art. 357 of the Criminal Code — Conspiracy to seize power in an unconstitutional way
  • Art. 361-1 of the Criminal Code — Creation of an extremist formation, or participation in it
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12 years imprisonment in a general-security penal colony Andrei Leshchanka
Kavalkova Volha 1984-01-26 Female
  • Art. 361 of the Criminal Code — Calls for actions aimed at causing harm to the national security of the Republic of Belarus
  • Art. 191 of the Criminal Code — Obstruction of the exercise of electoral rights
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12 years imprisonment in a general-security penal colony Piotr Arlou Mikhail Kavaliou
Kazakevich Andrei 1980-01-31 Male
  • Art. 361 of the Criminal Code — Calls for actions aimed at causing harm to the national security of the Republic of Belarus
  • Art. 357 of the Criminal Code — Conspiracy to seize power in an unconstitutional way
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10 years imprisonment in a general-security penal colony Uladzimir Areshka
Khilmanovich Uladzimir 1967-04-06 Male
  • Art. 361-1 of the Criminal Code — Creation of an extremist formation, or participation in it
  • Art. 361-4 of the Criminal Code — Promoting extremist activities
5 years imprisonment in a medium-security penal colony Ihar Sobaleu
Kirkevich Aliaksandr Former prisoner 1989-11-09 Male 2011-01-28 4 years imprisonment in a maximum-security penal colony Ala Bulash released
Kotau Anatol 1980-06-18 Male
  • Art. 357 of the Criminal Code — Conspiracy to seize power in an unconstitutional way
  • Art. 361-1 of the Criminal Code — Creation of an extremist formation, or participation in it
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12 years imprisonment in a general-security penal colony Andrei Leshchanka
Krasulina Hanna 1969-09-18 Female
  • Art. 361 of the Criminal Code — Calls for actions aimed at causing harm to the national security of the Republic of Belarus
  • Art. 357 of the Criminal Code — Conspiracy to seize power in an unconstitutional way
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11 years imprisonment in a general-security penal colony Uladzimir Areshka
Krautsou Ivan 1989-06-10 Male
  • Art. 357 of the Criminal Code — Conspiracy to seize power in an unconstitutional way
  • Art. 361-1 of the Criminal Code — Creation of an extremist formation, or participation in it
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11 years imprisonment in a medium-security penal colony Anzhela Kastsiukevich
Kryzhanouski Yauhen 1983-06-01 Male
  • Art. 361 of the Criminal Code — Calls for actions aimed at causing harm to the national security of the Republic of Belarus
  • Art. 357 of the Criminal Code — Conspiracy to seize power in an unconstitutional way
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10 years imprisonment in a general-security penal colony Uladzimir Areshka
Kuchynski Dzianis 1994-07-02 Male
  • Art. 361 of the Criminal Code — Calls for actions aimed at causing harm to the national security of the Republic of Belarus
  • Art. 357 of the Criminal Code — Conspiracy to seize power in an unconstitutional way
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11 years imprisonment in a general-security penal colony Uladzimir Areshka
Kupreichyk Matvei 1994-11-27 Male
  • Art. 369 of the Criminal Code — Insulting a government official
  • Art. 361-1 of the Criminal Code — Creation of an extremist formation, or participation in it
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12 years imprisonment in a medium-security penal colony Dzina Kuchuk
Lahvinets Aliaksandr 1972-01-14 Male
  • Art. 361 of the Criminal Code — Calls for actions aimed at causing harm to the national security of the Republic of Belarus
  • Art. 357 of the Criminal Code — Conspiracy to seize power in an unconstitutional way
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10 years imprisonment in a general-security penal colony Uladzimir Areshka
Laputska Veranika 1986-12-23 Female
  • Art. 361 of the Criminal Code — Calls for actions aimed at causing harm to the national security of the Republic of Belarus
  • Art. 357 of the Criminal Code — Conspiracy to seize power in an unconstitutional way
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10 years imprisonment in a general-security penal colony Uladzimir Areshka
Latushka Pavel 1973-02-10 Male
  • Art. 361 of the Criminal Code — Calls for actions aimed at causing harm to the national security of the Republic of Belarus
  • Art. 430 of the Criminal Code — Taking a bribe
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18 years imprisonment in a general-security penal colony Piotr Arlou Mikhail Kavaliou
Liauchuk Marharyta 1990-04-16 Female
  • Art. 361-1 of the Criminal Code — Creation of an extremist formation, or participation in it
unknown imprisonment in a general-security penal colony Sviatlana Kramianiouskaya
Liber Pavel Male
  • Art. 191 of the Criminal Code — Obstruction of the exercise of electoral rights
4 years imprisonment in a general-security penal colony Dzmitryi Lukashevich
Liubakova Hanna 1989-01-24 Female
  • Art. 361 of the Criminal Code — Calls for actions aimed at causing harm to the national security of the Republic of Belarus
  • Art. 357 of the Criminal Code — Conspiracy to seize power in an unconstitutional way
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10 years Uladzimir Areshka
Loban Ihar 1984-10-16 Male
  • Art. 357 of the Criminal Code — Conspiracy to seize power in an unconstitutional way
  • Art. 361-1 of the Criminal Code — Creation of an extremist formation, or participation in it
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12 years imprisonment in a medium-security penal colony Dzina Kuchuk
Lupanosau Stanislau 1983-06-15 Male
  • Art. 356 of the Criminal Code — High treason
  • Art. 352 of the Criminal Code — Illegal acquisition of computer information
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18 years imprisonment in a general-security penal colony Alena Ananich
Maroz Maryia 1985-12-07 Female
  • Art. 361 of the Criminal Code — Calls for actions aimed at causing harm to the national security of the Republic of Belarus
  • Art. 357 of the Criminal Code — Conspiracy to seize power in an unconstitutional way
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12 years imprisonment in a general-security penal colony Piotr Arlou Mikhail Kavaliou
Marynich Pavel Male
  • Art. 191 of the Criminal Code — Obstruction of the exercise of electoral rights
4 years imprisonment in a general-security penal colony Dzmitryi Lukashevich
Napreyenka Aliaksandr 1983-01-26 Male
  • Art. 218 of the Criminal Code — Intentional destruction or damage to property committed in a generally dangerous manner or causing damage on a large scale
  • Art. 130 of the Criminal Code — Incitement to hatred
8 years imprisonment in a medium-security penal colony Dzina Kuchuk Aliaksandr Karol
Navazhylau Uladzislau 1975-04-20 Male
  • Art. 369 of the Criminal Code — Insulting a government official
  • Art. 361-1 of the Criminal Code — Creation of an extremist formation, or participation in it
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3 years restricted freedom in an open penal facility ("khimiya") Siarhei Karmanovich, Sviatlana Kramianiouskaya Tatsiana Harkusha
Navosha Dzmitryi 1978-04-05 Male
  • Art. 130 of the Criminal Code — Incitement to hatred
  • Art. 203-1 of the Criminal Code — Illegal actions with respect to information about private life and personal data
12 years imprisonment in a general-security penal colony Natallia Buhuk Natallia Sakalova
Navumau Vasil 1984-05-23 Male
  • Art. 361 of the Criminal Code — Calls for actions aimed at causing harm to the national security of the Republic of Belarus
  • Art. 357 of the Criminal Code — Conspiracy to seize power in an unconstitutional way
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10 years imprisonment in a general-security penal colony Uladzimir Areshka
Pakhomchyk Vital 1977-10-22 Male
  • Art. 342 of the Criminal Code — Organization and preparation of actions that grossly violate public order, or active participation in them
  • Art. 369 of the Criminal Code — Insulting a government official
2 years imprisonment in a general-security penal colony Mikhail Makarevich
Parunkevich Ihar 1995-01-05 Male
  • Art. 364 of the Criminal Code — Violence or threat of violence against an employee of the internal affairs bodies
  • Art. 368 of the Criminal Code — Insulting the President of the Republic of Belarus
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6 years imprisonment in a medium-security penal colony Alena Bachyshcha
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