Mikalai Masharski
in custody
Political prisoner
Date of birth: 30 March 1977
Date of detention: 9 June 2023
Charges indicted:
- Art. 368 of the Criminal Code — Insulting the President of the Republic of Belarus
- Art. 342-2 of the Criminal Code — Repeated violation of the order of organization or holding of mass events
Sentence: 2 1/2 years
Penalty: imprisonment in a general-security penal colony
Judge: Uladzimir Biasetski
Prison: Penal colony No. 22

Mikalai Masharski from the town of Rasony, Viciebsk region. He was repeatedly tried for 'unauthorized picketing'. In March 2022, Masharski was arrested for 20 days for calling for participation in the protest action on February 27, 2022, the referendum day. Five law enforcers in body armor arrested him at home.
Masharski faces charges under Part 1 of Article 368 ('Contempt of the president of Belarus') and Article 342-2 ('Repeatedly violating the procedure of organizing or holding mass events') of the Criminal Code. Notably, only three people have been tried under the latter article.