Viktar Kukharchuk
Former political prisoner
Date of birth: 12 April 1998
Date of detention: 8 October 2021
Charges indicted:
- Art. 342 of the Criminal Code β Organization and preparation of actions that grossly violate public order, or active participation in them
Sentence: 2 1/2 years
Penalty: restricted freedom under home confinement ("domashnyaya khimiya")
Judge: Tatsiana Lauraniuk
Prosecutor: Yahor Kronda
Cases: The round dance case
Viktar Kukharchuk was arrested for attending a "dancing protest" in Brest on September 13, 2020 (when peaceful protesters were dispersed by a water cannon).
He was detained in October 2021 and held in a detention facility on administrative charges. On October 27, he was transferred to a pre-trial detention center and faced charges under Art. 342 of the Criminal Code (active participation in group actions that grossly violate public order).
Kukharchuk has two minor children.
On December 17, 2021, judge Tatsiana Lauraniuk sentenced Viktar Kukharchuk to 2.5 years of home confinement.