Mikalai Sharakh
head of Free Trade Union's office in Polack, released
Former political prisoner
Date of detention: 14 July 2021
Charges indicted:
- Art. 341 of the Criminal Code β Desecration of structures and damage to property
Mikalai Sharakh, head of the Free Trade Union chapter in Polack, member of the Polack Human Rights Society.
On July 14, police officers of Polatsk District Department of Internal Affairs carried out a search under the criminal case brought on 29 March 2021 under article 341 of the Criminal Code (destruction of buildings and property). After the search, three policemen went with Mikalai to his office of the Center of Information and Legal Support of Socially Disadvantaged Groups "Advakatsyia" to search there.
Mikalai Sharakh was detained for 72 hours.
On July 17, he was released after spending 72 hours in detention.