Mark Vasilkou

sentenced to 1 1/2 years of restricted freedom, released after serving full sentence

Former prisoner

Date of birth: 19 March 1993

Date of detention: 5 November 2021

Charges indicted:

  • Art. 342 of the Criminal Code — Organization and preparation of actions that grossly violate public order, or active participation in them

Sentence: 1 1/2 years

Penalty: restricted freedom in an open penal facility ("khimiya")

Prison sentence start date: 11 February 2022

Date of release: 12 March 2023

Judge: Mikalai Serhiayevich

Cases: Protests in Žlobin

Mark Vasilkou was arrested on November 5, 2021, in Žlobin (Homieĺ region) as a defendant in a criminal case of 'group actions grossly disrupting public order' (Article 342 of the Criminal Code).

On January 17, 2022, Judge Mikalai Serhiayevich found Mark Vasilkou guilty and sentenced him to 18 months of restricted freedom in an open-type penal facility. Vasilkou was released from custody immediately after the verdict was pronounced.

On 11 February 2022, Mark Vasilkou started serving his sentence in open-type penal facility #24 in Vaŭkavysk, Hrodna region.

The political prisoner served his full sentence and was released in March 2023.

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