Dzmitry Krautsou
sentenced to 3 months in prison, released
Former political prisoner
Date of birth: 10 September 1998
Date of detention: 24 July 2021
Charges indicted:
- Art. 370 of the Criminal Code β Desecration of state symbols
Sentence: 3 months
Penalty: arrest
Date of release: 24 October 2021
Judge: Liudmila Novikava
Prosecutor: Artur Harokhau
Groups: Bloggers

Dzmitry Krautsou is a resident of Drybin sentenced to three months in prison under Article 370 of the Criminal Code (insulting the state symbols).
The reason behind the conviction was the changed image of the state emblem displayed on a YouTube channel co-run by Krautsou and Viktoryia Zhardzetskaya (another defendant in the case) "in order to make their channel popular and demonstrate their blasphemous attitude." The defendants later used the image as the logo of their Telegam and Youtube channels, as well as in the videos they uploaded to their channel.
Krautsou was released on October 24, 2021.