Aleh Krautsou

paramedic, sentenced to 3 years in prison, released after serving his sentence

Former prisoner

Date of birth: 13 April 1989

Date of detention: 4 November 2020

Charges indicted:

  • Art. 342 of the Criminal Code — Organization and preparation of actions that grossly violate public order, or active participation in them
  • Art. 309 of the Criminal Code — Intentional disrepair of a vehicle or communication lines

Sentence: 3 years

Penalty: imprisonment in a general-security penal colony

Date of release: 3 June 2023

Judge: Maksim Filatau

Groups: Doctors

Cases: Rail sabotage

Aleh Krautsou is a former paramedic and a salesman at an electronics and home appliances store in Minsk.

Krautsou was arrested on November 4, 2020, at work, for allegedly attaching wires to railways to block the movement of trains. He was charged with 'active participation in actions grossly disrupting public order' (Part 1 of Article 342 of the Criminal Code) and 'intentionally rendering a vehicle or communication lines unusable' (Part 1 of Article 309 of the Criminal Code).

Judge Maksim Filatau found Aleh Krautsou guilty under both the articles and sentenced him to three years of imprisonment in a general-security penal colony.

In his letters, Aleh Krautsou wrote that he worked in the colony in a sewing shop, studied English and Polish, began to study mathematics and read books by Stephen Hawking and Viktor Pelevin.

Aleh Krautsou was released on June 3, 2023, after serving his sentence.

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